
Explore our faculties at the American Academy

It’s really hard to pin down what makes the American Academy Larnaca so special, because it doesn’t come down to one thing. Beyond academic excellence, our students can boast of a rich student life that includes extra-curricular activities that open up opportunities within the local, national and global spheres.
Students and parents who are interested in catching a glimpse of what is on offer can do so during our open day events. Visitors will get a chance to explore the school campus, while browsing the different courses we have on offer. They will also be able to chat with teachers and current students, who are available to provide insight into our academic paths and our school ethos.

Explore the exciting world of current affairs and understand what makes the world spin in legal and financial markets. As a student studying a business-related subject you will learn how we make decisions based on economics, develop an essential grounding in how businesses, large and small, operate successfully and how they can best be marketed to maximize consumer appeal and engagement. There is considerable freedom and versatility within the faculty to cater to a range of interests. Students will delve into the theories that help us make sense of our decisions from an economic perspective by choosing Economics, and can complement their understanding with Accounting, to gain insight into the financial dimension of a business. Through the Politics and Law that are at the heart of society students can also gain insight into the legal systems that underpin our daily lives.

The Business Faculty offers Accounting and Economics as electives in years 4-5 for GCSE. In Years 6-7 students may opt for Accounting, Economics, Law, Politics or Business.


Immerse yourself in the creative fields of fine art and music or flex your creative muscle through sports and the study of physical education.

The ability to think creatively and to express yourself in means other than the written word, is a much sought after skill in the workforce. The subjects on offer within the Creative and Expressive Arts Faculty allow you to set your imagination free and to explore your own original ideas, whether through Art, Music or through Physical Education.

Art, PE and Music are compulsory in years 1-3 giving students a chance to strengthen their creative muscles across different expressive subjects. In Years 4 and 5 the subjects are optional for GCSE and also in years 6-7 for A Level.


Enhance your analytical skills and hone your creative writing through the study of classic and contemporary literature, drama and linguistics.

It’s easy enough to say you speak English, it’s quite another to admit that you are fluent in it. Studying English is so much more than just comprehension passages and tenses: it is a rich study that allows students to explore many voices through fun, interactive activities that tease out their creativity.

The study of language and literature is a prerequisite to understanding the human experience. Students are taken on a journey that allows them to experience fictional worlds of established authors or of their own making, which ultimately helps them understand themselves and the world a little better.

There is something for everyone in an English lesson: for the aspiring writer who wants to learn from the great texts that have stood the test of time, to the future start-up founder who wants to learn how to give better pitches. At the heart of the subject is effective and often creative communication, which has threaded human thought for centuries.

English is compulsory in Years 1-5. In Years 6-7 students may opt for English Language, English Literature or Media.


Understand nature through geography and learn about important moments in time by exploring different historical periods. Religious Studies enables you to consider the ethical and philosophical dimensions of human nature.

Humanities consists of a series of disciplines that build on the human notion of enquiry. The subjects provided by the Humanities Faculty explore human thought and give insight into some of the world’s greatest challenges, both past and present.

Studying geography provides a greater awareness of the physical world today, while history and religious studies offer an opportunity to observe developments in society and culture over time.

Geography and History are compulsory in Years 1-3 and then optional in Years 4-5 for GCSE and Years 6-7 for A Level. RS is compulsory in Years 1-5 and optional in Years 6-7 for A Level.


Learning a language is a refreshingly immersive experience and often enhances the understanding of your own culture. What’s more, adding a foreign language to your cache of abilities, opens new academic opportunities for further study, beyond English-speaking countries.

The Languages Faculty invites students to enter a stimulating world where the culture, society and history intersect.

Challenge yourself by learning a new language and inspired by learning more about the language, literature, cinema, food and culture in general. Students come into to contact with the basics of French and German in Year 2 and 3 and then get the chance to opt for the subject and develop their knowledge and fluency further at IGCSE and International A-level.

Knowing a foreign language is such an advantage, and students who pursue it at higher level diversify their higher education options, and enhance their employability profile.


Το Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών των Ελληνικών ακολουθεί το Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών του Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού. Το μάθημα των Ελληνικών διδάσκεται σε όλες τις τάξεις του σχολείου, και είναι υποχρεωτικό για τις τάξεις 1-5.

Στις 3 πρώτες τάξεις τα μαθήματα τα οποία διδάσκονται οι μαθητές είναι ακριβώς τα ίδια με το Γυμνάσιο, δηλαδή Νέα Ελληνικά (Γλώσσα και Λογοτεχνία), Αρχαιογνωσία, Ιστορία και Ιστορία της Κύπρου.

Τα βιβλία που χρησιμοποιούμε είναι αυτά του Υπουργείου Παιδείας, είτε Κύπρου είτε Ελλάδας. Στην τετάρτη και πέμπτη τάξη συνεχίζουμε να διδάσκουμε την ύλη που διδάσκεται στο Λύκειο και η ύλη για να προετοιμαστούν οι μαθητές να ανταποκριθούν στις εξωτερικές εξετάσεις GCE.

Το μάθημα των Ελληνικών είναι ένα από τα επιλεγόμενα μαθήματα για την έκτη τάξη. Προετοιμάζει τους μαθητές για τις Παγκύπριες Εισαγωγικές Εξετάσεις όπως επίσης και το GCE A Level.

Επιπλέον, όλοι οι τελειόφοιτοι διδάσκονται ύλη για να μπορέσουν να παρακαθίσουν στις εξετάσεις του Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού για απόκτηση του Πιστοποιητικού Πολύ Καλής Γνώσης της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, ένα πιστοποιητικό απαραίτητο για κάθε απόφοιτο ιδιωτικού σχολείου στην Κύπρο.


Build on your problem-solving skills and stretch your deductive reasoning through our range of mathematics courses.


There is a special kind of satisfaction that comes from solving a problem, and often it can leave you with a sense of clarity. Mathematics is a universal discipline; it is a language that is understood across boundaries, which facilitates a deeper understanding of our world.

Numbers tell stories, and Mathematics allows students the ability to read those numbers and understand the stories they tell. This is a key 21st century skill, as we move into a world where big data is available, but just requires someone able to spot patterns, in order to decipher it.

The subject is compulsory until Year 5 and aims to develop students’ fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics and provide students with the necessary foundations to follow on to any other course. In Years 6-7 the students may opt for A Level Mathematics following


Whatever your aspirations, it’s certain that technology will have a central role in the profession you choose to follow. Whether you want to find the cure for cancer, analyse particles at CERN, create your own start-up, direct and produce a film or share what you’re most passionate about through the creation of an app or a website, understanding how to make the most of the technological tools available to you, is essential.

It’s often said that the jobs that will be popular in the future haven’t even been created yet. Making sure you’ve got the technological savvy to compete in such a demanding workforce is essential, and the aim of the Computing Faculty is to ensure that all students have the necessary skills to be future-ready.

ICT is compulsory in Years 1-3. In years 4-5 Students may opt for Computer Science GCSE and in years 6-7 for Computer Science A Level


Understand the world around you and conduct experiments to answer the many questions that emerge from the study of biology, chemistry, physics and psychology.

We live in the age of technology, and so equipping students with the tools to understand the nature of scientific thinking is more important today, than it has ever been.

Subjects in the Science Faculty invite students to embark on an exciting exploration of the universe and the human psyche, and our state-of-the-art science laboratories provide a hands-on science education which allows them to become observers and active participants in scientific inquiry and problem solving.

Science and technology have such a dominant presence in modern society that it is essential to develop an understanding of how science works and of its influence on human thought and culture.

In Years 1-5 Science is a compulsory core subject. In Years 4-5 students may opt to do Triple Science and in Years 6-7 they may opt for Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Psychology


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